31 ago 2018

Charcoal Magnet Mask

🌸 This is my first time using the Biovene Magnet mask and I'm totally in love with it!
Great product indeed. Aside from being fun to use, you can literraly see instant results after every use.This mask is a work of charm! Great addition to my skin care routine. 

Perfect in making your skin smooth and soft! The magnet is so much fun to use! Never thought that a magnet can actually be used in skin care leaving my skin softer an smoother.Try it for Yourself!

They sent me a nice backpack with inside the kit for the magnet mask (mask, spatula to spread it on the face and magnet to remove it), the pink peel off regenerating mask, Aqua sleeping mask moisturizing and finally Charcoal acne patches to apply on the pins more annoying to make them reabsorb within a night 🌙.

Thank you Biovene!

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